Our unique spiritual counseling services are designed to help individuals with personal faith questions, hopelessness, anomie (lack of purpose), anger, fear, resentment, sadness, feeling lost, confusion, actualization and destiny purpose.
Our spiritual counselors specialize in Morontia Counseling, a cutting-edge modality that considers an individual’s astral soul, multi-dimensional nature, and motivations. They understand that most physical ailments, especially chronic conditions, have a psycho-spiritual component; that our beliefs, emotions, fears, and other patterns of thinking, feeling, and doing can cause and/or prevent the healing of disease in the mind and body.
They listen with a specialized technique that attunes to the individual's soul, spirit, and deeper reasons behind what is causing their ailment, unlocking the blocks and creating pathways that lead to healing. Through this process and by applying the feedback of their spiritual counselor, individuals discover a deeper understanding of who they are, what is causing their ailments, and are empowered with the tools that increase their sense of purpose and confidence in managing life’s difficulties.
All spiritual counselors are professors at The University of Ascension Science & The Physics of Rebellion and much emphasis is put on changing the thinking processes and life circumstances to heal the body.
Tron Therapy is used to assist in the healing process of any dis-ease of the body through a series of Morontia Counseling sessions with Dr. Marayeh Cunningham, which prepare the patient for continued and more advanced Morontia Counseling and Energetic Directional Cleansing of Tron Therapy conducted by Executive Counselor Van of Urantia who has the gift of clairvoyance when it comes to soul analysis. Niann Emerson Chase is also available for Spiritual Morontia Counseling sessions.
Please note: If you are going to use Tron Therapy, Morontia Counseling is first a must.
The number of Morontia Counseling sessions before Tron Therapy depends upon your ability to process the information and make the changes necessary to receive Tron Therapy, or else Tron Therapy simply will not work and will just be a temporary fix.
An initial 1 hour minimum consultation can be set up with Dr. Marayeh Cunningham to learn more about Tron Therapy ($150).
There is much to learn in the healing of the mind, the body, and of course the soul. That is why we are called Soulistic Healing Center. We try to incorporate, if necessary, all modalities of healing. Often you just might need proper nutritional changes.
Sometimes the physical body may just be too damaged for healing to take place, and there can never be any guarantees. But we do believe that the body is self-regenerative, and we believe in preventive practices before the dis-ease of the body takes place at a point of no return.
Our staff includes a psychologist, nurses, and other practitioners in the alternative medical arts and we absolutely believe in the proper use of the medical field, as well as surgery if necessary.
We believe in the power of prayer and absolutely encourage our patients to have a relationship with the Creator. We feel without that, permanent healing cannot take place.
Your fee for Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy is based upon
a sliding scale of your financial annual income.
You must be willing to submit financial disclosure.
Various forms of barter are also a possibility.
I owe my current excellent health and being free of pain and 55 lbs. to Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy. For over a decade my quality of life was greatly affected with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and chronic muscle pain. I erroneously thought this was the result of a rear-end vehicle collision. This created a large chip on my shoulder and limited my everyday functioning and social life.
Even though I had worked for years in a chiropractic and naturopath office, I wasn’t looking at how I personally needed healing at a soul level. All the massages and typical pain control counselling, including cortisol injections, didn’t bring about permanent change. I have a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Oral Roberts University and part of their mission statement is to be a whole person—spirit, mind, and body. This was my personal vision to regain wholeness.
Through Morontia Counseling, I discovered powerful truths. One of my biggest lessons to learn was that I wasn’t responsible for my other family members’ happiness, and I could not control their choices. I’ve learned the difference between a co-dependent relationship verses an interdependent relationship. I can only be responsible for my own choices and how I can change to become a more loving and kind person. I’m flourishing and very grateful for the wise counsel given to me.
After I was diagnosed with cancer I began Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy and now I am completely healed of my cancer. I have much more self-worth, am more conscious when my lower patterns of not being real play out, and react more with kindness and love. I also stop and pray more. I so desperately needed help and couldn't do it on my own. In my daily walk with God, there are moments I allow my "self" to be in control. The lessons given are tests from God helping me to become whole in my higher self and finding my higher purpose in life.
It is a humbling awareness striving to be an ongoing overcomer. Being of service to others helped me to stay on the path. This has enriched my life so much. What a great opportunity to help change the world by changing myself. What sets Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy apart from other counseling is that it is personal for each person and incorporates Godly concepts and the setting of higher goals and standards for myself.
Growing up in a fast-paced, materialistic society in Miami, Florida, early on in life I became disillusioned with what I saw happening in the world around me. By the time I was in my early 20's, I was heading down a road of alcoholism, drug abuse, and depression. I had lost several close friends to either drinking and driving accidents, or suicide, and even murder. I was rapidly losing hope and faith in humanity and in the future. By the time I was 25 I was in emotional despair and turmoil. I had a faith in God and a belief in a spiritual foundation of reality, but what I was seeing broke my heart — violence, hunger, abuse, and way too much suffering on this earth.
For me Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy were actually life-saving. When I found these advanced modalities (which I never knew about before), I was on the verge of hopelessness and on a path that very well could have led to homelessness — or worse, a life of quiet desperation, compromise, and a victim mentality.
Through the very personalized counseling and treatment I received, I regained a strong sense of hope and learned how to turn my sensitivity to the pain and suffering in the world into motivation to help change the world into a better place. I have also received priceless counseling from spiritual elders to help me shift out of negative thought patterns and habitual, addictive mindsets, and to find my security, strength, and a sense of cosmic citizenship in God.
I now live a healthy lifestyle, eat natural food, have meaningful work, various avenues for artistic expression, and have a sense of destiny. I am eternally grateful for these benefits I’ve gained through Soulistic Healing Center’s professional services and for the opportunity they have given me to "pay it forward" to others who need a helping hand.
After graduating from UC Santa Cruz with a BA in Biology, I became a stockbroker. I had a lovely home, in a very comfortable high-rise apartment in one of the nicest neighborhoods of San Francisco—complete with a panoramic view of the bay and Golden Gate Bridge. And yet, despite these creature comforts, enviable location, and great views, in truth, I didn’t feel “at home” and felt and acted very much like a sociopath. Although I was able to navigate society’s dynamics sufficiently well to pay the bills and more, my life was in fact empty and lonely.
Looking back, it is all so clear now: I had made the great Faustian bargain (as in the medieval legend of Faust); I had in effect made a contract with the devil, exchanging my soul for worldly gains. Fortunately, a soul given to the devil, so to speak, can be taken back! Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy allowed me to see my life's purpose from a more spiritual, other-oriented perspective versus a materialistic and selfish perspective, and that consciousness shift has given me the ability to enjoy a bounty of life’s simpler pleasures.
I grew up in San Francisco, California in the late 1950s and ’60s. Both my mother and grandparents raised my two siblings and me, after my father disappeared into alcoholism and my mother divorced him. I am eternally grateful that my grandmother, as well as an excellent teacher in an alternative High School, both taught me to be an open-minded, critical thinker. I entered adulthood with a strong desire for discovering truth about myself and the world around me.
As a young woman, I began to sense a darkness within me. I am not talking about original sin, but as I went about my life, seeking to serve humanity to the best of my ability, I just sensed something not quite right in my soul. I did not understand it, but trusted that God would reveal understanding and healing in His good time.
Although I experienced a few dramatic sessions of healing emotional releases over the years, it was not until I found Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy that understanding and healing truly began to unfold in my life. The methods of Morontia Counseling assist me by shining a bright light on my underlying motives—good and bad.
In this process, I have been able to see a whole network of behaviors that are basically being on a power trip. Some examples of this are being intimidating and controlling, self-absorption, arrogant defensiveness, recognition seeking, and unearned prideful confidence.
Morontia Counseling has equipped me with a long list of traits I wish to integrate into my life and many tools to make this happen. Among these are an ability to truly listen, being a good team player, being generous with my time, energy, and love, displaying stabilizing maturity and humility when successful, and gratitude for my teachers and counselors.
As my healing unfolds, I find that there is a direct connection between thoughts and decisions and physical wellness. When I harbor resentment towards others, for example, I experience all kinds of physical symptoms. When I take responsibility for my negative thoughts and emotions, find a way to clean up my actions, and truly overcome my negative thought patterns, I consistently find my physical body responding with increased wellness and abundant creative energy to live my life. Morontia Counseling has assisted me to integrate and unify the complexities of my soul into a true and deep desire for loving service to others.
I am plagued by the desire to always be “right.” It is crazy how automatically and vehemently I will insist that my thinking, my words, my decisions, and my actions are right. While it is true that I have never willfully desired harm to another person in this life, I do have within me this pride, lack of trust, and desire to control others. When I make mistakes, I often prefer to believe a version of myself that is favorable, when humility and repentance would be a much better approach.
Morontia Counseling has taught me to make the effort to slow down and catch these patterns in my thinking, so I can overcome them and improve my quality of life on all levels. I am grateful to be on this journey of healing, and I very much appreciate the assistance from the wonderful team of the Soulistic Healing Center.
I have been homeless, addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, and definitely became a social outcast. I began to see different counselors, psychiatrists, ministers, priests. One of my parents is a professional counselor who did not want to see the mental problems I was having. I was becoming delusional. I could have ended up in jail, in an asylum, or even dead.
I have no doubts about these scenarios playing out if I had not found this level of spiritual counseling at the Soulistic Healing Center, because I have been to rehabilitation and support groups, but nothing ever really had any lasting effects until Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy, which has now helped me to become physically, emotionally, mentally, and mostly spiritually balanced—a whole person.
Through Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy I have received healing that no previous doctor or counselor has ever been able to give me. I have grown up with professional counselors, doctors, massage therapists, acupuncturists in and close to my family. I have been to see professional psychiatrists, psychologists, family counselors… and the list goes on. I served seven years active duty military, and have been to a war zone. I have been diagnosed with multiple disorders from ADD to bi-polar manic depressive. I never believed fully in the diagnosis or the medicine prescribed and found no relief from any doctor or their medicine.
Through Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy my spiritual, physical, and mental faculties have increased tenfold. Never have I been so aware of and excited over the unfoldment of my potential and every day is better than the previous.
Thank you for the practitioners of Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy.
I grew up in Sao Paulo, Brazil. As a teen, I moved to Costa Rica to attend a bilingual, multicultural boarding school, then studied at Colby College in Maine. I graduated with a double major in Education and Human Development, and a minor in Anthropology. I worked in different schools in early childhood and elementary, and volunteered in educational programs fostering multicultural learning, sustainability, and peace studies in Brazil, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, and the United States.
Then in young adulthood, I became depressed, anxious, and started to suffer physical and mental symptoms, including from being focused on fear. I lost interest in social activities and relating deeper with others. I was very focused on myself and what I was “going through” and that created most of my pain. I observed my mind spiraling down in thoughts of self, self-pity, and “the poor-me syndrome.”
I was getting sicker and sicker in my mind, and my body began to feel shaky. I was more fatigued, my feet and back began to hurt and, as a dancer, I am very sensitive to my body, so when I began to feel my body crippling (because of fear) that was very scary. I allowed myself to live in fear and lost muscle strength and flexibility. I literally felt shorter and smaller, and on the darkest months of my mental depression, I lost a lot of weight. I was actually being small in my thinking and was losing sight of a positive vision for my future.
Before I found the Soulistic Healing Center, many healing modalities that I initially encountered did not provide lasting healing and did not consider the uniqueness and individuality of my personality. I previously sometimes had temporary relief in my body and mind, but then I experienced the pain, depression, or anxiety again when encountering situations triggering my lower emotions and fearful thoughts. And over time things worsened to debilitating levels.
But since I began to receive Morontia Counseling, I am now taking part in a deeper and genuine healing process. My first Morontia Counseling session was life changing, and I started to understand that my mental problems and physical pain up to this point had to do intrinsically with my thought life and my past and present choices.
All the Morontia Counselors who have counseled me look at the root thinking patterns that are causing my mental diseases and provide me a clear path of how to readjust my mind and lifestyle habits to foster real healing. I began to receive counsel as to what had been blocking me from becoming actualized and through their counseling I realized a lot of my thinking was really based on self-gain.
I began to see how I judged, criticized, and fed my ego in so many deep levels of my consciousness. But through techniques I learned in Morontia Counseling, as I began to think more about how to serve others in all my relationships with family, friends, colleagues, and ultimately the world, then my consciousness began to raise and I began to see myself from a higher perspective. Also my body became stronger again.
I am eternally grateful for the Morontia Counselors at Soulistic Healing Center, as I have been blessed to continue to heal my thoughts, my body, and my soul, becoming a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled human being and have meaningful work where I can contribute to the quality of others’ lives going forward.
I have greatly benefited from Morontia Counseling, as it has changed my life. The counsel and guidance I received actually addressed underlying patterns in my soul—which had been the true cause of my unregulated behavior and lack of fulfillment, even though I had led a diverse and exciting life in many ways.
I knew I had anger, including outbursts, but was unable to evaluate and adequately identify buried resentments, competition, and pride that were always under the surface. I was in denial that I even had these issues. I was self-centered but did not actually understand what that meant.
Growing up in a middle class family in the 1950s and 60s, I came of age being an activist for women’s rights and protesting the Vietnam War in high school. I graduated from Michigan State University in 1974 with a B.S. degree in Education, majoring in Political Science and Mathematics. Later I began an Accounting degree in graduate school at the University of Houston, but soon dropped out when I discovered rock climbing the big walls of Yosemite and other extreme sports.
So I tailored a life around recreational pursuits, choosing jobs with freedom to travel. I worked in a variety of positions including as a health food store manager, an EMT, a legal secretary, a residential property manager of 200 condominiums at a ski area, a designer and production manager for a computer soft-goods company, and I started my own business as a mortgage broker, yet none of these pursuits stabilized my emotional life or led to fulfillment.
Due to many poor choices along the way, I eventually sincerely prayed for help to create a more meaningful life. Eventually I found out about Morontia Counselors, who teach the wisdom and insights they have gained to help me identify the underlying causes of my struggles. Through this process, I have learned how to serve others instead of serving myself.
I am now able to see and identify when I encounter anger, resentment, and jealousy that pops up in my thought life and take responsibility for it, seeking to continue changing and growing so that it will not negatively impact myself or those around me.
And when I do have physical ailments, I realize how Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy have given me real tools to identify the thoughts that precede manifesting the physical problem. Working in the arena of thought, with help from my counselors, I have been able to more quickly regain my health and find balance in my life.
I have a degree in Psychological and Social Science from Penn State University, but as a professional social worker I found myself in depression most of the time. Words are inadequate to convey my indebted gratitude to this healing center. When I found it I had little hope. I gained much healing and understanding through the process of Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy.
Had it not been for this new modality of healing, I would no doubt be in worse dire straits and probably dead. I now find my calling in social services, a more dedicated one with a bright future that gives me much dignity.
Growing up I never realized how broken I was, as my life seemed relatively easy and I was spoiled by materialism. By the time I graduated at seventeen, I had my first set of letters after my name – an Associate Trinity College London (A.T.C.L.) as a qualified speech and drama teacher. I went on to get an honors degree in English and Drama at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand (where I was born).
I became a functional member of society, working various jobs in government, in hospitality, as a healer, and as an actress. I left my homeland when I was twenty-three and felt the world was my oyster.
Seeking spiritual growth, somehow I couldn’t make the lasting changes I craved. Different healing modalities I tried did not have a long-term success, and teachers and healers I visited lacked true skill and integrity. And I could put on a good show, but never really felt fulfilled or where I belong.
Realizing I needed to heal from deep emotional and psychospiritual wounds, thankfully I was led to Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy and got in touch with the deep-seated feelings and began to unravel the bigger issues underneath, starting a transformational true healing process for me.
The counselors helped me realize my limitations, where I previously thought I had it altogether. As an actress, I learned quickly to wear many masks to protect myself from what I saw that was out of balance in the world around me. I carried various levels of pride and had developed masks to cover up who I really was. Morontia Counseling taught me the direct relationship between how my thoughts and beliefs play out in my day-to-day reality. I saw how those thoughts manifested very real blockages in life.
Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy also helped me see I had manifested many physical issues in my body due to my wrong thinking—stomach problems, a high level of candida yeast with a range of symptoms from severe fatigue to digestive issues. I discovered the more I adhered to the counsel, the more my symptoms were relieved and I could chose not to carry the pain that often turned into self-pity.
Today I enjoy health benefits on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual— and my relationships are higher and have deeper intimacy, thanks to many tools this counseling has given me to sustain positive changes. Morontia Counseling has truly changed my life, as I have become more whole and integrated than I have ever been.
As an only child growing up in an upper middle-class home, I shared the feeling of alienation and anomie common to many fellow Generation X-ers. As a teenager in Reagan-era America—which emphasized greed and materialism—I felt I was born 20 years too late, feeling nostalgic and enthusiastic about the late 1960s social, cultural, and political movements. I found nothing of depth to grasp onto beyond a vision of climbing the corporate ladder and obtaining all the material comforts that credit could buy. So in my teenage restlessness, I sought escapism through drug and alcohol use.
After high school I got my BS in Journalism at the University of Colorado in Boulder and then an MBA from the University of Alabama in Birmingham and I tried to fit in. Yet in the corporate world I still felt numb and unfulfilled. I was choked by many fears, negativity, self-doubt, selfishness, anger, resentment, and at times depression. I picked up a lot of poor coping skills, including continuing drug use, to ease my emotional instability, and I was always seeking the next high.
I eventually backed myself into the proverbial corner. So discovering Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy was a God-send to me because of the personal empowerment and responsibility these modalities have given me to overcome my emotional immaturity and my poor and unhealthy lifestyle choices.
I have especially learned there are lower and higher emotions, fueled by our thoughts. In the past, I used to blame my negative thoughts on my emotions, but now I see it’s actually my thoughts that create my emotions. And with the techniques I’ve gained through Morontia Counseling, combined with Tron Therapy, I now can control and change my negative thoughts into more positive, transformative, and constructive ones, which have brought me more emotional balance and maturity and overall better fitness and health. The counseling has helped my relationships—with family, friends, co-workers, and especially God—to grow stronger, and I have more inner peace and a greater sense of unity with humanity. Of course on this healing journey I still have much to learn, but Morontia Counseling provided me with the foundation to keep growing and find true happiness and health.
At 62, I am amazingly quite healthy and much more emotionally stable, and I owe this healing of my personality and emotional-mindal growth to the Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy I received at the Soulistic Healing Center.
I know firsthand from my past healing attempts (at institutions like Betty Ford Center, Mayo Clinic, Canyon Ranch, Jiva Grande Spa at Vivanta, and others I sought help from) that Soulistic Healing Center is the only center for treatment that has provided real and lasting results. In fact, if not for Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy, I honestly don't believe I would still be alive, as my past bad choices in addiction and over materialistic living was truly killing me.
I got a BS degree in Business from Indiana University and moved to California, where I started a very successful 35-year executive career in media with major companies like CNN and NBC Universal, and raised two beautiful children with my then wife. But my growing addictions destroyed all that.
I had finances to seek these higher mind and physical rehabilitation centers noted above but continued to find myself over time right back in the same cycles of imbalanced thinking and emotional instability. By age 58 I was financially and spiritually bankrupt and weeks away from homelessness. My vicious addiction to alcohol and false identity based on material attachments had literally torn my life apart. I ended up in a rescue mission in another state, and at that bottom point I discovered Soulistic Healing Center's Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy services.
These unique treatment modalities supported all areas in which I needed to grow and heal. For me, addiction and homelessness started with wrong thinking and a bad attitude and choices that created a distorted state of mind. The counselors here clearly know what’s needed to truly heal. I am safe and trust them, getting better each day.
I am grateful I’m sober, productive, and have a home. To me the Soulistic Healing Center is a miracle, which saved my life because it gave me the tools to heal my mind, body, and spirit (soul) in a balanced environment and process of treatments. Not only am I healed physically from a variety of ailments including stomach, kidney, blood and liver disorders, I also have been taught to rearrange my thought patterns, and therefore my brain system wiring, to avoid past thought patterns that were destroying my life.
I believe Soulistic Healing Center is the only resource on this planet presently that can offer this level of reconstructive healing to your personality and energetic system wellbeing.
My journey of healing has primarily been an emotional and psychological one. Although I have not yet “arrived” at a state of total health, I do believe my efforts have truly been aided by the counselors of Soulistic Healing Center through the Tron Therapy and Morontia Counseling I received. Never having serious physical health issues, my life has been one of learning how to deal with disappointments and failures in a more positive and productive way, making proper adjustments in my thinking in how to achieve in life and what’s truly important.
It’s not surprising these days to see many people, men especially, who’ve been crushed by disappointment and failure of their plans to yield the fruits of their expectations, who then turn to drugs and other addictions to deaden their pain and to look for something, or someone, to blame for their lot in life. Disappointment of expectation or via “entitlement” is a main issue I’ve had to look at, in order to start unraveling complications that interfere with a healthy outlook and peace in life. In my mid 40s, I now can understand with much more compassion just how people’s lives can be derailed by the blows life delivers. And without a really, really stable help network, it’s very, very hard to rise up and get back on your feet again.
At Soulistic Healing Center I especially appreciated the spiritual components taught within my healing process—a continuously unfolding learning and re-learning experience, of how to relate to life, others, myself, my children, elders, peers, and so on. Learning to become other-oriented and to adopt a service motive in life has greatly helped me to re-prioritize my values and begin to walk a more balanced, sane, and gentle walk that is a blessing to others, rather than being harmful and part of the problem. The best thing about the Soulistic Healing team is that they are experienced in overcoming and walking the same walk they teach about and are not egotistic “healers” who don’t know whereof they speak.
I believe that I have a long path to tread ahead of me, but I can walk that path now with more courage and resolve, and a big part of that healing has truly been because of the efforts of those at Soulistic, who truly care enough to make the welfare of others a high priority.
After 35 years of wrong choices that lead to varying degrees of disease, I had much healing to begin, coming out of an abusing marriage and losing my two young boys to this abuser. I was an emotional wreck and needless to say depressed, carrying much grief in my heart, when I found Morontia Counseling (combined with Tron Therapy) back in 2013.
On my journey I have learned a profound lesson of what it means to truly heal: I understand now that it is not a destination but a lifelong process of healing, becoming better. And genuine healing will actually lead us to the more pure essence of ourselves, so we can find real fulfillment.
When I first started in counseling, I was malnourished on every level—physically, emotionally, and in my spiritual walk. I had also experienced very low self-esteem, due to my abuse. With Soulistic Healing Center, in my program, first I was guided to embrace these alternative modalities under the direction of the SHC staff, which includes spiritual relationships, exercise, yoga, and gardening/touching the earth. I was counseled about and began eating natural food and drinking clean water. I slowly but steadily regained my strength, rebuilt my vital energy, and began to feel whole again. That was the initial part of my healing, which then allowed me to go deeper into the more important healing of my heart and soul.
Through the unique insights and healing wisdom I have learned via Morontia Counseling, which led to Tron Touch Therapy, and following the advice given, I have truly received what some may consider miraculous healings. The Soulistic Healing Center counselors and staff know practical, real-life ways to overcome trauma, in a profoundly lasting way.
But it did not stop at one touch or one moment of enlightenment, because my continued healing depends on my commitment to making the changes that will prevent me from doing the things that caused my dis-ease in the first place and now sincerely striving to become the change I wish to see in the world, as Ghandi did in his life.
The difference between the healing I am experiencing, since benefiting from the services of the Soulistic Healing Center, compared to the “Band-Aid” approach within the so-called medical system or the fluffy “there’s no right or wrong” approach of the New Age, is that every single day I am set up for success within balanced boundaries, positive-motivation, and mature accountability. I am healing, and it is profound to walk the healing path, with guidance from those on the path ahead of me.
I want to express much gratitude for the healing I have personally experienced from the Tron Therapy and Morontia Counseling that I have received from the Soulistic Healing Center. When I was first introduced to this healing method, I was in much pain in my life. Mentally and emotionally I was having much disturbance and was very imbalanced in my perceptions of myself and the world around me. Mostly it was an acute result of living in a self-oriented and narcissistic outlook. My physical body also stopped being able to digest foods well. I had lost much weight, and this was very much a spiritual parallel of not being able to “digest” life well.
My first experiences with this healing was mostly with counseling, helping me to see how some of my negative thought processes were directly affecting my body, mind, and spirit. The insights that were given to me by the Morontia counselors were very life changing.
Although it can be a painful process to see the truths of ourselves and areas we are blind to, the love and understanding I experienced behind the wise counsel, made me be able to trust fully. Within three months, my body became very active and youthful again. I exercised and applied the dietary recommendations as well.
The healing didn’t happen overnight, but gradually, as I applied the counsel to my daily life, much of the self-created burdens were alleviated, and I was able to turn my energies greatly more towards service and selflessness, which are some keystones of counsel to me.
Thank you Soulistic Healing Center and all counselors, practitioners, and staff that aided me to make such a change for the better. I now have a family and children and count my blessings every day for the gift of healing I was given, and the help to live a much more healthy, wholesome, and ‘soulistic’ life.
I was born in Holland and was a sickly baby with a deformed hip. When I was 5 years old tuberculosis (TB) developed in my left knee. I was placed in a sanatorium for 2 ½ years in a cast and traction. During this bedbound time, a thought was always in my head to look after others as a future nurse. For 2 years every 6 weeks I was exposed to radiation with x-rays and this had a lot of negative effects on my body. These were very poor conditions, and many of the nuns were bitter and uncaring, which led to me carrying a great deal of anger and resentment, especially as I was so isolated away from my family. All my other siblings were at home, and I didn’t understand why this had happened to me. This led to me making a lot of wrong choices.
When World War II broke out, the children’s ward got bombed. My father picked me up and took me home at the age of eight, with no education. I had a lot of catching up to do as I couldn’t read or write. My first year in school was when I was 10 years old. The last year the Germans took over the school for their army. Our classroom was either a garage, a church hall, or a forest. When the war was over I went with my two sisters to a boarding school for 4 years with the nuns. With sheer determination, I overcame and went on to become a nurse for over 40 years in Holland and then Australia. In 1994, I made a life-changing decision to move to America.
There were many angry outbursts during this time, and I knew it was necessary for me to seek higher counselling. I was deflecting my anger by helping others. Finally, at the age of 62, I began Tron Therapy and Morontia Counseling and later added other healing modalities such as massages, acupuncture, and the copper ionized pools at the Soulistic Healing Center. It was necessary to talk through many areas of my childhood that I had mentally blocked and never shared with anyone.
In 2014, I was on hospice for 15 months and through the Morontia Counseling techniques I had previously learned, of changing my thought life and habit patterns (along with family and friends praying), I feel I received an extension of life. Years later, now at age 86, I’m not taking any medications—only vitamins! Even though I have physical limitations, I stay very active with flower gardening, sewing, processing herbs, and wherever I can do to be of service to other people.
Through the Soulistic Healing Center, I learned how my thought patterns needed to change, by taking away negative thoughts and coming to a place of seeing my health issues as a positive. These personal life experiences were invaluable in my own healing process, as well as in my caring for patients as a nurse.
My so-called “mid-life crisis” (or what some would call “a dark night of the soul”) was brought on by allowing my fear and anxiety to take over and led me to destructive ways of coping with life’s disappointments and challenges through unhealthy eating and alcohol abuse. I was depressed and emotionally unstable, taking out my sadness and resentments on my loved ones. I was physically unwell with migraine headaches and suffered from insomnia.
I was on a path trying to find myself but going about it in all the wrong ways. In my early adulthood in the Northwest, I worked in journalism and was published in local newspapers, but it soon felt empty and meaningless and that I was not making a real difference. I tried various other jobs but felt I was endlessly searching. I became more despondent and unable to embrace the blessings in my life.
It was not until I found the wonderful counseling program at the Soulistic Healing Center that I truly began to find peace and contentment in my unique life’s purpose. I’m so grateful for the spiritual counselors at the Healing Center, as their counseling has helped me to begin to integrate all parts of my being—physical, mental, and spiritual—to become a whole person and unfold into my now blossoming talents, including aspects of the arts, which I love.
I am now beginning to see more clearly these deep patterns in me that need to come into alignment with balance, through various healing regimens—which include counselors who really personalize things, as they speak from wise experience from having been through much themselves. I am learning to change my thinking patterns, which is the root of many of my physical and mental ailments that I have begun to heal, as I am starting to see how we do manifest our reality and that “energy follows thought.
I believe with all my heart that this caliber of unique rehabilitation is the highest to be found anywhere. For the first time in my life, I am beginning the transformation of the caterpillar, slowly shedding my old habits and responses, and emerging into the tender butterfly that will fly and soar into true beauty by becoming a better person to help others.
As a young child living on the beach with my mother in Hawaii, I began a lifetime of feeling lost in a materialistic society that made no sense to me. Throughout my formative years, no matter where I lived — whether in Southern Georgia where I moved to at a young age, or in the mountains of Wyoming where I often spent parts of the year — I found I could not deal with the impersonal educational system that was basically the same everywhere. Feeling more at home in nature and struggling with an alcoholic stepfather, I sought counseling at a young age but became more disconnected as a young teenager as I was at that time given a diagnosis of bipolar and put on medication.
Always having sense of destiny and higher purpose, I eventually learned about Morontia Counseling and Tron Therapy. I have since gained self-esteem based on love and service for others and the value of giving of one's self to serve others. I have also learned that solving many of the problems I have faced in life must start from looking within. My strengthened sense of service and purpose helped me to learn valuable skills and vocational training to bless others. I can honestly say that this saved my life and has been invaluable to me as I've evolved into a school teacher, artist, singer, cook, and actualizing human being who has found much hope and vision for the future.
There are different kinds of “mental illness.” The more commonly identified types are often dramatic and labeled things like schizophrenic, manic-depressive, psychotic, bi-polar, etc. But I believe there are many people who seems quite “functional” and have fairly “normal” lives—being good citizens, paying their bills, raising their kids, etc.—yet who actually live lives of quiet desperation. And because these people are less extreme in their behaviors and lifestyles, they can easily go unnoticed in our fast-paced society—perhaps until they become the next news headline of a shooting or suicide (or both).
For the first 30 years of my life, I was one of those people—the ones who have the outer trappings and “image” of things like a nice condo, a nice car, nice clothes, a nice job, a nice boyfriend, a nice family, etc. and yet I was silently screaming inside and living in quiet desperation. I was genuinely depressed and often quite angry, and despite 4 helpful years of psychotherapy followed by 6 years gaining more assistance in 12-Step Programs, ultimately they only carried me so far in growth and healing, because I then needed deeper help I couldn’t find there.
Simply put, until discovering the training and support from the team at the Soulistic Healing Center, I was emotionally impoverished and lost, starving for truth, and never escaping the constant pangs of struggle I was experiencing daily.
Thankfully, with the support of Tron Therapy and Morontia Counseling programs, over time I have truly gained the advice and direction I need to eradicate that emptiness inside me, and I am no longer emotionally nor financially enslaved by a greedy corporate-ruled system within mainstream society that squelches the happiness and peace out of most people’s hearts and souls. I feel blessed beyond belief by the “soulistic” approach of the staff, and I believe that everyone could highly benefit from these healing modalities within your own journey.
I have been physically, mentally, and spiritually healed by the Morontia Counselors at Soulistic Healing Center. Before finding these services, I was malnourished on every level. I was encouraged to eat naturally, which nourishes my physical body, giving me the energy to do the mindal and spiritual work necessary to attain emotional stability.
This center is a safe haven. It has ridden me of all anxieties and distractions of the mainstream way of life, allowing me to focus on my inner growth process. I feel renewed and inspired. I am eternally grateful to the Soulistic Healing Center for blessing me with the vision of my higher and true personality and purpose in life.
I was beginning to go down a path of “que sera, sera” (whatever will be, will be) and live life more in relativity, which led to an irresponsibility in many areas of my life. I was taught through Morontia Counseling to accept more absolutes in my life, which led to me being used in positions of more authority and responsibility. I believe because of this, the Creator has given me a spiritual complement, who I would have not been able to be with unless I received the Tron Therapy and Morontia Counseling.